We spent a week in Bancroft
at Joy Bible Camp
Brennan comes running into our bedroom with six dollars.
-Where did you get that?
- I sold a painting.
-Which one?
- The flower.
The flower is not one of his better paintings.
- Who bought it?
- The lady in cabin C7.
- Six dollars is too much, go give back the five.
Brennan trots off and tries to give the five back. I watch and the Lady refuses to take it and shakes his hand.
We find out the whole story later from the lady.
Brennan decided that he would like to earn some money for the Tuck Shop by selling some of his paintings. He went door to door of the cabins, showing his work.
-Would you like to buy one of my paintings?
The Dragon
The Beer Can
at Joy Bible Camp
Brennan comes running into our bedroom with six dollars.
-Where did you get that?
- I sold a painting.
-Which one?
- The flower.
The flower is not one of his better paintings.
- Who bought it?
- The lady in cabin C7.
- Six dollars is too much, go give back the five.
Brennan trots off and tries to give the five back. I watch and the Lady refuses to take it and shakes his hand.
We find out the whole story later from the lady.
Brennan decided that he would like to earn some money for the Tuck Shop by selling some of his paintings. He went door to door of the cabins, showing his work.
-Would you like to buy one of my paintings?
The Dragon

The Beer Can

The lady tells him she would buy a painting of a flower if he painted one. His first commission job.
She admired his SPUNK in coming around to ask.